I've been looking for simple HTML-to-text converter.
HTML::FormatText does most of what I want, but it does more than that. Rendering HR tags to horizontal "-----" is one example. I don't like that.
HTML::Element has as_text() method, which is very close to what I want. But apparently, it doesn't do the right thing with img@alt attribute ( is dumped empty, not "Bar"), and "Foo
Bar" is dumped as "FooBar", not "Foo Bar".
I chatted with Yuval (nothingmuch) in #catalyst and would like to write a simple Visitor module to do with HTML::TreeBuilder generated tree.
If that sounds like a duplicate of someone else's work, let me know.
Re:Tried lynx?
Aristotle on 2006-08-21T18:40:51
I like vilistextum. Decent rendering and very fast.
Re:Tried lynx?
miyagawa on 2006-08-21T19:43:18
I forgot to mention that I prefer Pure perl. But thanks anyway.
Re:I do this, sort of
miyagawa on 2006-08-22T03:29:06
Agreed. Formatting the plain text into readable format should be the job another module should deal with.