YAPC::NA Day #3

miyagawa on 2006-06-29T13:59:55

Now the conference is over. We stil have 2 days for a hackathon though. Great, great conference. Props to Josh, Pete and other conference organizers/volunteers.

I woke up 5:30 am without any alarm, which was exactly the same with Day #1 and #2, and started writing my slides for the Lightning Talk. Yeah, I always write my slides last minute, but that's probably what most hackers do.

The day started with MJD's Higher Order Perl, then moved to Andy Lester's Pragmatic Job Hunting stuff. Even though I'm not interested in how to find jobs realistically now, the talk was a great and amusing one, just as always Andy's talk is.

We went to lunch with Jesse and guys from Solstice, yet another webapp framework thingy (it's funny they namespaced their application as "Catalyst"). Pretty nice conversation.

The afternoon started with Lightning Talks. Audrey did takesako's awesome ppencode presentation for her 4th time. The talk was awesome and lots of laughs (literally) in the venue. YAY!

My talk was about XML::Liberal and I think it was just 5 minutes on time, and the response was like "Yeah, that's so practical and cool. I like it." Great.

Damian's closing keynote was also a great one, needless to say.

We went to Josh's place for a speakers/volunteers dinner and I had a great conversation with James (Chinese guy from Torronto) about Asian Perl communities, with Noman & Mark (from Fotango) for the possibility to use Plagger/XML::Liberal on their project, with Helen about the idea to write Plagger plugin to use her music recommendation engine, with Hans about our Class::DBI::Replicat(ed|ion) experiences and with Cog about the world cup soccer.

Great time.

OK, that gives out a wrong impression about me...

cog on 2006-06-29T15:11:04

I mean... I don't even follow football :-)