My Plagger talk was okay. There wasn't as much attendees as I expected (maybe there were 30-40), but some people there came to me after the talk and just said "Hey, nice talk. That looks like really cool!" It's a great pleasure.
I'd say I needed more practices on this slides though. I haven't rehearsed any of the slides after I'd finished this morning, because I never do that stuff in Japan. But you know, it's an English talk and that's not my mother language. Thus it's natural that I definitely need to do.
Anyway, it was a pretty good excercise for the OSCON.
Jesse suggested a presentation polish during the hackathon and I think that's really helpful to make slides polished by native speaker, seriously.
The problem is if it'd be better to break some existent features and add new ones during the Hackathon to force me rewriting the slides for OSCON again. The answer would be, yes I should :-)
We went to the conference dinner where we had the auction. That was fun.