YAPC::NA Day #2 -- morning

miyagawa on 2006-06-27T12:23:23

So I finished writing my slides for the Plagger talk on 1:30 am. Thanks to the chat with folks at #plagger-ja, where they have very different timezones and are still active even when I work in a midnight.

I woke up 5:30 am again (exactly the same with on Day #1!) and am blogging this in the Cafeteria, while hacking the slides a little.

Looking at hthe Day 2 schedule, here's a list of talks I'd like to attend.

An Overview of Perl 5.10 Perl 6 Update The Reluctant Web Tester (or Module::Compile) Automated Web Testing with Selenium Perl Hacks You Never Imagined (or cog's Acme talk) Jifty Subversion Best Practices

Shameless plug

cog on 2006-06-27T12:51:26

Perl Hacks You Never Imagined (or cog's Acme talk)

Think of it this way: with the Perl Hacks talk, you can always read the book later :-)

Re:Shameless plug

cog on 2006-06-27T12:51:58

Plus, how are you going to keep the werewolves away from your code if you don't see this talk? O:-)

Re:Shameless plug

chromatic on 2006-06-27T21:04:59

You could, if I hadn't added new material to the talk!