Should I go to YAPC::EU?
I can complete the 4th round of Plagger talk world tour (after YAPC::Asia, YAPC::NA, OSCON). It may be 45 minutes long. I could also give a presentation about "Perl plugin systems compared" or "Perl Unicode and CPAN modules", which may be 20 mintues or just a Lightning Talk.
I've never been to Europe before. London sounds like a lovely place to go.
If premiership football starts on the week of YAPC, I wanna go watch the game of Arsenal in London.
I'm getting a conference-holic. I will spend 2 weeks around YAPC::Chicago and 1 week around OSCON in United States. Spending another week in Europe sounds just a little too much, considering my gf and usual $work at 6A.
Flight to London in the end of August is quite expensive, starting from $1400 (ANA or Virgin Atlantic), if you want to fly directly.
I'm now 60% positive to go there. But things might change.
miyagawa on 2006-05-30T07:29:15
Great. Now I made a submission of Plagger talk to YAPC::EU. Once I get an acceptance, I'll make a reservation of the flight and accommodation.