Amongst other things I intend to use this journal to discuss the design of existing and new projects and frameworks I have worked on. I tend to design in a vacuum these days (at my old job I was usually hooked up with a partner during design which I found to be educational and led to stronger designs - we both approached the problem from different angles and the design really benefited from that) and I miss having a feedback loop to point out missed opportunities and more effective strategies.
I'm a full time programmer who also operates a consulting/contracting company (very small scale) on the side. About 2 1/2 years ago I was contracted to create a web app which would allow:
I decided on a framework that would be driven by XML. I borrowed the run mode concept from C::A and defined an XML file that would control the "steps" needed for each run mode:
I decided on this approach because I found that a lot of the perl code I needed as handlers were only a couple of lines long and I didn't feel the need to create a package.
In a questionable decision I decided to just pass the CGI instance throughout the framework. Any part of the framework could add new params to the instance or modify existing params. At the very least I should have created a wrapper to CGI. That is one of the items on my To Do list.
As mentioned previously "steps" could also be predefined SQL actions:
When (the module which processes the run modes) sees a SQL step (type = get|delete|insert|update) it calls which is responsible for database interactions. DAO will execute the SQL and determine how to bundle up the result set.
In this case because we defined the
By default, if no
This run mode will iterate through $cgi->param("delete_user_list") set $cgi->param(-name=>"user_id", -value=>current id) and perform a delete for each user.
We can also iterate at the step level if some steps have to be executed for a list and some only once:So in summary - every interaction with the server is defined by a run mode. A run mode can consist of 0 or more steps (if 0 then we are essentially only setting the next page to serve up). Each step can consist of a predefined database interaction or be delegated to a handler.
I've found this to work very well for my purposes and I've been able to add many screens without having to write any new code at all. The SQL xml files are auto-generated by another program I wrote so some new screens (for example search/result/detail screens) can be created by simply defining the templates and by defining the run modes and steps. Since they all follow the same pattern I simply copy the existing run modes, change the template name, change the action names, and I'm done.