Just had a discussion on IRC... thought I would write this down in case anyone else wants the conclusion.
Yes, you can indeed write to $_[0] inside one of the tie accessor callbacks (like STORE or FETCH), and change the underlying hidden tied action object.
For example, suppose you want to wrap Apache::Session, so that on first store or fetch, it does some init before becoming a real session object:
package My::Apache::Session; sub TIEHASH { my $class = shift; bless [@_], $class; # remember real args } sub FETCH { ## DO NOT USE shift HERE $_[0]->my_initialization; $_[0] = Apache::Session->TIEHASH(@{$_[0]}); $_[0]->FETCH($_[1]); } sub STORE { ## DO NOT USE shift HERE $_[0]->my_initialization; $_[0] = Apache::Session->TIEHASH(@{$_[0]}); $_[0]->STORE($_[1], $_[2]); } sub my_initialization { ... }