asdf asdf

merlyn on 2002-09-16T07:38:47

While I was investigating the new home of the isotopes, I jumped into a a news story that had a some unusual headlines. In particular, the title of the web page is "asdfsadfasd sadf", and the headline is the same, with a subhead of "asd fasdf asd fdsa f".

I suspect that these were placeholder characters left over while someone was setting up the page. However, I don't think it should have ever made it to "print".

So then, on a whim, I start searching, and find that google has 9920 hits for "asdfasdf". Simply amazing. Or sad. Or something.

One of them is a stealth asdfasdf. Note nothing unusual about the page, but check out the titlebar on your window. Sweet.

And check out the Dave Letterman Top-Ten!


rafael on 2002-09-16T07:50:05

Interestingly, google shows also a few results for the french keyboard layout. What's the equivalent with a dvorak keyboard ?


koschei on 2002-09-16T12:01:55

That would be 'aoeu'. It'd be nice to use a Dvorak keyboard, but it would mean rebinding all my applications.


koschei on 2002-09-16T12:03:19

almost forgot the ObGoogle


Matts on 2002-09-16T10:23:59

Searching for these types of things is a regular thing for NTK. Also check out typos like Accuntant, Commtitee and various other puerile typos like t-shits, eductation, overcocking, public lice, etc.

Also try "Enter content here".

CPAN equivalent

lachoy on 2002-09-16T12:20:35

blah blah blah (cribbed from Simon, IIRC)

Dummy text

vsergu on 2002-09-16T13:20:41

Don't forget to search for "dummy text" while you're at it.

I still have a copy somewhere of a page from the (printed) Washington Post Weekend section that had a movie review whose headline and body consisted mostly of the sentence "This is dummy text for the review" repeated over and over, with bits of a review of another movie in between.

Quick Brown Fox

krellis on 2002-09-16T16:58:27

We can't forget the classic "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" :) A shade over 7000 hits for that one.

Well ...

pudge on 2002-09-17T15:40:20

I suspect that these were placeholder characters left over while someone was setting up the page. However, I don't think it should have ever made it to "print".

It's a hell of a lot better than "Roasted Nuts".