TPC6, Day 2

merlyn on 2002-07-24T15:37:40

Day 2 (tuesday)

I sat in on Matt Sergeant's POE talk in the morning. I did this for two reasons: I wanted to see if there was anything cool that I could steal for a column idea (with attribution, of course), and I had a column for Linux Magazine that was long overdue.

As for the latter, I had written the code a few weeks earlier: a simple web spider to perform link checking, using 10 POE sessions to allow the page fetches and DNS lookups to proceed in parallel. dngor had thankfully updated PoCo-ClientHTTP to use the PoCo-ClientDNS for non-blocking lookups, so my program ran lickity split. dngor also vetted my code to ensure that I wasn't saying any lies.

But the text had not been written, and the magazine editor was getting around to "if you don't get it in today, we run without it". So, there I sat, in Matt's presentation, writing a magazine column. As the presentation was winding up, I submitted a review draft to the usual suspects, including dngor, who okayed the wording, and it was off to the publisher. Yeah! That submission paid for my conference hotel. {grin}

After an afternoon of kicking back and socializing, I headed into Larry's State of the Onion talk, sitting front-row-center as I had managed to do for nearly all the previous talks. This year's Onion was based on the articles appearing in a recent Scientific American. What'll Larry do to outdo himself next year, I always wonder.

Following the Onion was Jon's quiz show. Always good for a few laughs, mostly from Jon's selection of materials and jokes, although some of the responses were quite humorous as well.

During the quiz show, brian d foy was presenting the White Camel awards. The third award was to be given to vroom for his work on the Monastery, but time ran out before brian was able to get back to the stage. Oh well.

Tom Phoenix and I worked on our presentation a bit more, and he also previewed his Lightning Talk for me.