the biggest problem I have with journals...

merlyn on 2002-07-15T05:31:15

is that everyone will wonder what was so significant today that made me want to start one, and why no day prior to that was this significant.

How do you address such an issue conclusively, or is this really just an insignificant problem?

And isn't journalling a bit like speaking into what could be an empty auditorium? Of course, how is that any different from posting to Usenet? Maybe I don't get it.

My journal

james on 2002-07-15T06:14:57

I have the same problem if I approach it from the 'I want to write a journal entry'.

My journal entries seem to fall into one of three categories however:
  1. I think x sucks because...
  2. I think x is great because...
  3. this is my latest crackfuelled scheme. Is it sane or have I been drinking?[1]
Hmm, most people seem to journal in a similar way to me...

[1] Of course I'll do it regardless of whether or not people think I've been drinking :-)


chaoticset on 2002-07-16T17:30:14

Worry not over the need for a declarative first post. Plenty of journals start in media res.

I've found it a useful way to keep track of whatever I was last thinking when I was Perling. Lets me get down little related thoughts while I'm in the process of coding and keeps me focused because the journal is supposed to have more Perl content in it.

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