255th Perl article published

merlyn on 2007-08-10T02:22:31

I just turned in my 255th Perl print-magazine article (this one for Linux Magazine). As each article has been printed in a magazine with an average of 100,000 circulation, that means my name has appeared in print over 25 million times. Wow. If that was a single book, I'd be somewhere on the NYTimes top sellers, I'm sure. Too bad it's spread over 12 years. {grin}

2 ** 8

jdavidb on 2007-08-15T14:27:33

What was the 0th article? :)

Wonderful [and link fix]

n1vux on 2007-08-24T19:19:02

Happy anniversary and many happy returns, as it were.

Link should be http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/LinuxMag/ , no azine radical or suffix needed.

Talking about a single book...

perl-programmer-john on 2007-12-15T06:07:35

Probably impossible, but it would be nice to have all those articles in one single book (or maybe two)...