YAPC::NA 2007 is over...

merlyn on 2007-06-30T13:18:13

My pictures are up on Flickr already, including the early morning "fire drill" at the Hilton on my last day.

I had about 30 people in my 2-day "master class", where I presented "Perl Second Best Practices" (my take on PBP) and "Persistent Perl Data" (a survey of simple persistence, DBI, Class::DBI, and Rose::DB::Object).

I'm beat, heading home, but no rest for the weary, as I'll be on the road for six of the next seven weeks.

Perl Second Best Practices

sigzero on 2007-06-30T16:35:07

Oh, please put that talk up. I would dearly love to see it.

Re:Perl Second Best Practices

jdavidb on 2007-07-02T20:00:34

I second that. But it sounds like it was a full class, so I'd understand if you're wanting to retain it so as to keep its value up and turn it into profit or something. :)

Re:Perl Second Best Practices

merlyn on 2007-07-03T01:21:56

Yeah, I'm cool with making all the short talks Creative Commons, but the long talks have to be our bread and butter. I put a week or so of time into it (on spec), so now I have to sell it a half-dozen times before I can get that money back to even break even.

I am thinking of doing one or two upcoming articles on "Where I respectfully disagree with Professor Conway", which would be the meat of my unique contribution to the material that is obviously based on PBP. So, watch my columns for some updates.

Re:Perl Second Best Practices

sigzero on 2007-07-03T11:57:07

That is cool. I did not realize you did that or I would not have asked. I guess I will have to hope one of your talks takes you to the DC area. : )