UnixReview/SysAdmin ends; my 12-year column run ends with it

merlyn on 2007-06-13T17:26:30

I've just been informed by my editor that the August 2007 issue of UnixReview/SysAdmin will be the last issue. I wrote 71 bimonthly columns from March 1995 to July 2007 for that magazine sequence, covering a wide variety of Perl topics (from web 0.0 to web 2.0 and beyond), and getting my name in print around 10 million times. I will miss the job.

I'm still writing for Linux Magazine (94 articles and climbing), so you can still get a monthly dose of wisdom there.


sigzero on 2007-06-13T17:54:10

Just today I am using the "A MIME is a terrible things to waste" article.

Thanks for your Knowledge

Ovid on 2007-06-13T19:58:07

I'm sorry to hear this is coming to an end. Hopefully this means other good things are coming your way.