applescript to delete already-heard podcasts from iTunes

merlyn on 2005-09-16T20:16:34

So, I'm amazed this isn't easier to do. I want to delete the podcasts I've heard. So I created a smart playlist that says "is podcast" and "played count > 0". Hey, looky, there they are. But I can't delete from that window! I have to go back to the podcasts window finding each one over again.

With great trepidation, I fire up the AppleScript Editor. And after staring at the docs far too long again (because every time I look at AS, I go crazy), I came up with this:

-- do this here to get standardaddition value
set trashloc to path to trash

tell application "iTunes"
	repeat with pp in (every playlist whose special kind is Podcasts)
		repeat with p in (every file track of pp whose played count > 0)
			set loc to location of p
			tell application "Finder" to move loc to trashloc
			delete p
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell
which I'm sharing with y'all to save the pain I experienced.


wka on 2005-09-17T16:44:55

Option-deleting a song from a Smart Playlist will delete it from your iTunes Library. Also, option-deleting a whole playlist will delete the playlist and all of the songs it contains (which is probably not what you want to do with your "Played Podcasts" Smart Playlist).


merlyn on 2005-09-17T21:36:40

Too many secrets.

Too much of this is undocumented. {sigh}


pudge on 2005-09-22T00:01:59

Neat. I didn't know about opt-delete.

Also, because I can ... not that it is any longer necessary, but still:
use Mac::Glue ':all';
my $itunes = new Mac::Glue 'iTunes';
my $podcasts = $itunes->obj(
    playlist  => 1,
    playlists => whose(special_kind => equals => enum('podcasts'))
my $tracks = $podcasts->obj(
    file_track => whose(played_count => g_t => 0)
for my $track ($tracks->get) {
    my $location = $track->prop('location')->get;
    unlink $location if $location && $location ne 'msng';

iTunes v5.0

bpphillips on 2005-09-20T13:25:41

On my windows version 5.0 of iTunes, you can specify in the Podcasts preferences window which podcasts you want to keep (one option being "All unplayed episodes"). I haven't used this option but presumably it would automatically delete your played podcasts. (I'm also making an assumption that the Mac version has this same option and functionality)

Re:iTunes v5.0

merlyn on 2005-09-21T16:26:21

"played a few seconds" is not "played all the way through". If you just start listening to a podcast, it's considered "played" by that option. I want to delete only the ones I've heard all the way to the end.