Hot time in Brazil: FISL, YAPC-Brazil, and 5000 friends

merlyn on 2005-06-08T21:39:10

I was invited to present my Free Software - A look back, A look ahead at FISL 2005, in Porto Alegre in Brazil. While there, I got to present my talks on CGI::Prototype to the first YAPC-Brazil.

FISL (the brazillian equivalent of OSCON) had 5000(!) attendees. Yes, you read that right. 5000. Makes OSCON look puny.

Not only that, but the opening ceremonies included the mayor of the city, the governor of the "state", and a high-level representative of the president's office. Again, makes OSCON look puny by comparison. Brazil has their act together when it comes to open source.

And, they're having a technical conference in November 2005, which I'm now also presenting at. Again, they expect 5000 or so developers to attend the 3-day event. Wow.

The most relevant Perl news is that the Perl folks created the Brazillian equivalent of The Perl Foundation, called the SPB (Sociedade Perl do Brasil—Perl Society of Brazil). SPB will accept tax-deductable donations to fund local Perl development grants. I'm an honorary member of the board, to be transferred to a founding board member when I get my brazillian tax ID (more on that later).

I also heard that the FSFLA was created... the "FSF Latin America". Yes, Brazil is stepping out.

Wrong Continent?

Ovid on 2005-06-08T21:47:25

I've always wanted to move back to Europe. Maybe I should learn Portuguese instead.

Re:Wrong Continent?

merlyn on 2005-06-08T22:11:05

Let's just say that I ordered Portuguese Level 1 and 2 from Rosetta Stone on Saturday. And yes, I think I'll be spending a lot more time in Brazil soon. Maybe even calling it home eventually.

Unfortunately, sells clothing! I'll have to invent some other domain name.

Re:Wrong Continent?

Ovid on 2005-06-08T22:23:11

Hey, and you'll have no criminal record in Brazil! Good luck with this.

Re:Wrong Continent?

cog on 2005-06-09T09:49:06

Tell me about the fruit and the juices.

Did you enjoy it?