Experimenting with "ourmedia.org"

merlyn on 2005-03-24T22:59:11

I managed to get myself an "ourmedia.org" page. I'll be publishing the content of my entire "short talks" library there, under an appropriate creative-commons license. The first talk is Introduction to CGI::Prototype.

I'm not sure whether to announce everything I've published as I publish them. I suppose it's worth at least an update once I get everything moved in.

Allowed filetypes

jdavidb on 2005-03-25T05:17:08

I can't find an answer to this yet; is there a limitation on filetypes allowed for upload? My father has a large collection of powerpoint presentations I think he wants to make available, and it looks like this is just what he's in need of.

perl coderef deref

jdavidb on 2005-03-25T17:31:00

Looked at ourmedia.org this morning and selected your "Free Software Look Back" talk at random from the list of new media. I'd never heard the story of this syntax before. Hilarious! :)