Under the weather

merlyn on 2005-01-03T23:45:25

When I picked up brian from PDX last week, so that he could spend a couple days at the big Stonehenge planning summit, he was sniffling and generally complaining about being run down.

Dammit, I have that now. Curse you, brian!

Good luck

brian_d_foy on 2005-01-03T23:48:21

Heh, whatever that was kicked my ass. It made my new year's trip totally suck. Even my wife kicked me out of bed so she could sleep.

It's going around.

jbodoni on 2005-01-04T20:53:05

We're suffering from it here in the heart of the Ozarks, too. I spent the long weekend generally feeling like hammered owl shit.

Didn't even feel well enough last night to go out and celebrate my birthday. *sniffle* (everybody on cue: Awwww! Poor John!)

Let me make a hearty recommendation for Comtrex (Non-Drowsy Deep Chest Cold): within an hour of taking the two of the gel-filled capsules-o-wonder, I was dried out. No sniffling, and very little coughing.

Pretty impressive, considering that I was up more than half the night just KNOWING that I was gonna have to go to the ER to have my guts stuffed back in after coughing them out.
