"Clouds and food", volume 2

merlyn on 2004-10-07T01:02:17

To help me prove that I can write about more than just Perl, Derrick Story gave me a chance to review my new Canon EOS 20D Digital SLR for O'Reilly's Digital Media website. Check it out. Pictures and all.


bart on 2004-10-07T05:54:57

You have every right to be proud. Though I'm not a proper photograph critic, I know when I like something, and you have got some very impressive pictures up there. Page two, the pictures of the fountain, is simply beautiful.

Actually, it's the first digital camera I see (except for the pro stuff at work) of which the results truely impress me. Me wants. :)

From a practical point of view: how long does the battery last? Is it really practical to take it on a trip, if you don't know what time there will be between recharges? The standard stuff that everybody seems to have, usually lasts less than a day. Not good if you're going hiking...

Battery life

merlyn on 2004-10-07T06:25:03

If you're not using the flash, or spending ten minutes reviewing each image admiring the result, you can get between 500 and 1000 shots per charge. (Keep in mind that you're not driving a power zoom or a LCD display while focussing and framing.) So, with two batteries, you'll probably run out of CF long before you run out of battery.

the 10D

hfb on 2004-10-07T09:07:59

also had the crashing problem. Canon continues to deny this problem. I wouldn't buy another canon digital SLR if I was given extra money to buy it with.

Very nice!

Purdy on 2004-10-07T15:41:57

I love those pictures! I like taking pictures, myself, but I'm more of the point-n-click type - I wouldn't know f-stops or ISO if it hit me in the face. I consider it fancy that I know to hold the button halfway down to get a auto-focus before taking the shot. ;)

Let me know when O'Reilly starts doing cooking articles... ;)