Why OpenBSD rocks

merlyn on 2004-01-09T02:16:52

OpenBSD rocks because of developers like Henning Brauer.

On Linux:

Every time _I_ have to deal with linux I am pissed by the in my eyes poor quality of the manpages, the incosistency in the system, and the often insane defaults. When I read Linux code I am scared by its often bad style, use of magic numbers, questionable hacks and obfuscation, compared to the clean code we try to use in OpenBSD. And often enough I am scared by a very sloppy dealing with copyright.

On pf:

A special case are firewalls - over the last, well, it's nearly 3 years, pf developed rapidly to a fairly impressive packet filter, with a lot of surrounding applications to turn it into bigger solutions. I don't see any comparable packet filter in the free world, and I dunno about commercial ones, bout I doubt there is any.

Well, iptables may be able to do most of what pf can do, but it does many things wrong IMHO. And the concept of formulating firewall rules in command line options to some tool is so obviously flawed that everybody is using some frontend, with makes this further confusing and complaictedm and the resulting ruelsets worse, and... well, just compare to the beauty of a well written pf.conf.

I have yet to try any of the *BSD's...

WebDragon on 2004-01-09T17:15:15

Although I have a friend locally who is a major BSD nut and has extolled its benefits over Linux many times in conversations with me at the local pub.

Just wish I had a separate system lying around to play with it on (not to mention the _time_), and wasn't relying so much on my current Mac and Linux boxes to get work done.

Someone really needs to proofread that article though.. typos everywhere, some mis-spellings so atrocious that I couldn't even _guess_ at what the sentence was attempting to convey. I finally figured it out just now when I went back to copy it to here to show you. I mean c'mon people, even a rudimentary spellchecker would have caught _some_ of those.

"Net journalism" *shudder*