My OSCON 2003 picture gallery

merlyn on 2003-07-13T00:27:22

My OSCON 2003 Picture Gallery is now up. Notable pictures include Wil Wheaton's first encounter with Tim O'Reilly.


djberg96 on 2003-07-13T02:10:23

After seeing the "Crystal and Amy" pic, I was wondering - are they employees of yours? If so, where do I apply? :-P


merlyn on 2003-07-13T09:48:48

Crystal works at a bar that I've been frequenting for about four years: she's been there since I started going there. Amy worked there for about six months, but has gone on to do housecleaning (and I'm a client of hers).

I tried to invite every woman I knew in Portland as my "special guest" to try to balance out the dance floor, and partially succeeded. Next year will be better, because now I know how often I have to remind women about free drinks at a bar. {grin}

Melissa (the other booth girl) also worked at a bar that I frequented, and I've known her for about two years. They were both great at the booth, and I would use them again in a heartbeat. Neither of them were confirmed more than a few days before the event, so they really stepped up to the task rather quickly.