done with cruise, next on to YAPC::NA

merlyn on 2003-06-11T18:23:55

My 16th Geek Cruise is over. I'm still in Honolulu, staying at the house of a friend, waiting for my homeward-bound flight later today. And I'll be home for only two days before I fly off to YAPC::NA 2003, about as far that direction as I am now in this direction (and nearly as far south again).

Once I've done my bit there, I fly home again, and a week later head up north to Alaska for Yet Another Geek Cruise, and I fly home from Anchorage at the end of that just in time for... OSCON 2003, where I'll be throwing a big party for the release of my latest book, the alpaca, which has already gotten a very decent review.

I got to hang out with Wil Wheaton quite a bit on this past cruise, and gave him a copy of Learning Perl, which he's apparently been reading, because he mentioned it in his very popular blog. I got about 200 hits from that link in just one day. Nice.