Flash Honda Ad - Gadget Freaks Must See

merlyn on 2003-04-22T06:31:16

OK, this Honda Ad is just too cool to pass up. (Flash and about four minutes of wasteable time required.)

Gotta love Rube Goldberg.

Louis_Wu on 2003-04-22T07:13:11

My university's Mechanical Engineerind department occasionally has a Goldberg project for freshmen or sophmores - fun and educational. If you are unfortunate enough to not know about Rube Goldberg devices, start at The Official Web Page and take a look at the Gallery.

A Rube Goldberg device is any thing which takes a very round-about path to get something done. Classic cartoons often employ R.G. devices (bowling ball rolls down a ramp, strikes a boot on a hinge, hits a knife, cuts a cord holding a trap, which catches the dog and hangs him by the foot from a tree :). Hmm, wonder if anyone's worked on software that felt like that?