At TPC the sun is shining

merijnb on 2002-07-21T22:22:48

Made it to TPC after a week in NYC. Too hot there and too many people to see. Good time though, I just don't go often enough, so lots of meetings and general talks.

Now in San Diego, where the sun has come out after a lovely cool morning. What a nice change after NY sizzle and bake. Just saw ziggy in the hallway after coming back from some shopping, in a bit the registration will start. Time for another hectic week :-)

Managed to get LILO working on the laptop I was handed last week with W2K pre installed, which I need to keep. Last time I installed a desktop linux is many years ago, and lilo never gave me problems before, but this time I struggled for almost the whole evening to get it booting with several options, at one point I got the laptop so upset it showed me neat text based grapics indicating it needed a floppy in a drive :-)

All stabilized now, can dual boot just fine. DHCP in the Hotel doesn't seem to work from Linux though, pump goes out and gets all the good looking network settings, but there is some strange user agreement page that automatically loads in windows, but not in Linux. Anybody know how to get that going?