Fifteen years ago we had only two foreigner's bar in our city -Yahoo! City 1.3 million population. One has been the 'Internatinal Bar' and the other was 'Bollox'. We stll have the International Bar at the same place, but I don't think we still have 'Bollox'. Bollox was open only at weekends -Saturday night once in a week.
Thirteen years ago, we had 'The Big Apple' and a year later 'Off Broadway', both were foreigner's bar. Off Broadway has changed their locations three times and the premise is still located at the midst of downtown. 'The Big Apple' was a perfect example of successful foreigner's bar. It was very small but it had got millions of people from both domestic and foreign people, and because of the very reason, the bar was closed after just 3 years.
Now we have probably more than 30 foreigner's bar or more exactly foreigner's bar styled bar anyway now many many bars are just like those of ten years ago.
I started talking about under the title of the future of the internet journal system. Many years ago it must have started among limited people in just small circles. Then look at now. I don't know who started exactly but their spirit has been succeeding transformed variously and will be flourishing as now we see.