YASM - yet another strange mystery! or "Gee I'm stupid"

meanroy on 2006-09-09T05:25:38

After the comment by SuperCruncher, I re-ran the example code from PPM::Repositories which I called Repo.pl.
I noted that I got a nice list of repositories.
But when I did a ppm rep, I got:

[1] ActiveState PPM2 Repository
[2] ActiveState Package Repository
[ ] bribes
[ ] crazy58
[ ] datetime
[ ] esoft
[ ] gtk
[ ] jenda
[ ] openi
[ ] roth
[ ] sablot
[ ] savage
[ ] soulcage58
[ ] theory58
[ ] theory58S 
Humph! Ok, they're listed but not active.
I tried to add 'bribes' but failed.
I then used the command line at bribes to add GD.
"ppm install http://www.bribes.org/perl/ppm/GD.ppd"
Worked like a champ! I immediately went off to try to figure out whats going on, but I'm going to have to come back to this later. Re-reading the docs on ppm, checking my version, blah, blah, blah.