Last night, shortly before midnight, I was overcome with the desire to pull my SPARCstation LX out of the closet and do something with it. So far all I've managed to do is reinstall obsd (2.2 -> 2.6), slurp down the emacs cvs repo, and start a compile. To be precise, I started the emacs build at 0345 this morning and it's not done just yet. Hooray for a 50MHz CPU with 8k each of data/instruction cache.
I'm talking to it over the serial console using my wy60. Just a tip if you ever consider something similar: the wy60 doesn't seem to like the 38400bps setting, even though it claims to support it. It actually will lose sync and go funny momentarily if a lot of text is thrown at it all at once. 19200 seems stable though.
Tried a different variety of soyburger today: "Grillers", oppose "Better Burgers". The latter is far superior. Also, to accompany said soyburgers I cracked upen what may well be the Earth's last 2L of Mountain Dew Pitch Black, which I have had since early Novermber. It's still not really good.