- Come home from work, get on IRC
- Have friends call wanting to come over
- Tell them to come in an hour, after you get back from the grocery
- After the grocery but before friends arrive, start reading book on assembly programming
- Meanwhile, have someone on IRC decide to start a MUSH and invite you in as a wizard
- Realize that your old MOO coding skills are pretty much gone and that you need to read the fleet of MUSH docs.
- Have someone else on IRC talk you into writing a scifi story with them
- Ponder getting that utility suite you promised everyone 2 weeks ago done tomorrow
- Ponder getting the web interface you promised your wife 2 weeks ago done tomorrow
- Call other friends, decide to spend tomorrow watching bad movies
- Write about your procrastination activities on use.perl
Don't be so hard on yourself.
jordan on 2004-02-07T12:21:43
While it sounds like you have a bit of guilt over some commitments you haven't been able to keep, I wouldn't say you were procrastinating, based on this list.
Looks to me like you were busy having a life.
You know, there are sometimes other things to do than program on a Friday night...