Hoo Boy

mdxi on 2004-01-13T03:17:15

Wanted ad in today's Athens Banana-Herald:

"PC TECHS needed in all Georgia counties for upcoming election project. Pay is $15/hour. 2 Month temporary assignment. Please e-mail resumes to mbkilgore@pdstech.com Or call toll free 877-272-0088."

Bets on elapsed time until the tail end of this "project" shows up on Slashdot?

I admit it...

rjbs on 2004-01-14T10:06:51

I don't get it.

Re:I admit it...

mdxi on 2004-01-16T04:57:38

Have you seen a computerized election project that DIDN'T end up on /.? And this one, ferchrissakes, is in GEORGIA (which is as bad as the stereotype might make you thing, but for different reasons).