A kid just showed up at my door offering to shovel the snow off my sidewalk for a dollar. :) That seems like a price from a different era.
I'm going to give her $5 (big spender, I know) but just between you and me I wouldn't have blinked if she'd asked for $10-$15-$20. I really need to get going to work, and wasn't looking forward to having to deal with the sidewalk beforehand.
UPDATE: Jenn points out that the girl's out there spreading salt on our sidewalk, as well. Now that's service.
UPDATE #2: Jenn points out that the girl has disappeared after talking to her mother. Perhaps she didn't get permission to use all their salt on the neighbor's sidewalks...
Yesterday a kid wanted to shovel my walk. I told him "I really like the snow where it is."
This morning I was hyperventilating while shoveling my walk. Turns out, my wife doesn't like the snow where it is. Neither does my dog, who stands less than six inches from head to toe. He's smaller than the snow.
Maybe I should learn my lesson.