mattriffle on 2003-07-08T04:17:42

Attended MJD's Performance Tuning tutorial this morning. He was entertaining as always, and I learned a good deal.

In the afternoon I attended the... worst... tutorial... ever.. (as The Simpson's Comic Book Guy would say). I won't identify it other than to say it wasn't in the Perl track.

Basically the presenter just sat and read off his slides in a low monotone. Very, very disappointing. I should've taken the Perl testing tutorial. Live, and learn.

In happy happy happy news, I was awakened from an afternoon nap (I'm not on West Coast time yet) by a call from my sister. It seems I'll have another niece or nephew come next February. :)

That blew away the wake-up call the hotel provided this morning, no offense to the Mariott.

Took a stroll around downtown Portland this afternoon. My first impression (other than how pretty it is with all of the trees) was that the nation's most honest panhandlers live here.

One had a sign that read "Homeless, blah blah, spare me some change." Another's read "I like to see people smile, but why lie, I need a beer."

There's some significance to the smile reference, though I don't know what yet. Another panhandler asked if we could "spare a smile -- just one smile."

Tomorrow I have the maintainable Perl tutorial, and the MySQL new features workshop. My wife and I then plan to head to Powell's, to see what kind of damage we can do to our bank account.


Bad tutorial

gnat on 2003-07-08T05:14:41

Please identify it to me (gnat AT oreilly.com) so I can not have it again next year! Thanks,


Perl Testing Tutorial

chromatic on 2003-07-08T06:17:36

We're different. We stand around, reading our slides in dull monotones. Twice the entertainment for the same price!