I'm a snowplow

masak on 2010-03-02T11:15:32

Oops. I think excessive distractedness just made me miss a 10-day interval, thereby falling off the Iron Man challenge. Oh well. [Sidenote: Is there a way to easily check one's Ironman status?]

Lately, I've been feeling a bit like the snowplows shuffling snow around outside my office window. I have a lot of things I want to blog about, but I've been pushing them ahead of me. That's exactly what the Iron Man thing is supposed to counter. Guess procrastination won out in this case.

So, how much blog would a masak write if a masak could write blog? Here's a list off the top of my head of the things I've been thinking of blogging about:

  • The presentation I'm writing for the Open Source Days in Copenhagen this weekend. I'm really excited about it.
  • The "7 Wonders of the Ancient Grammar Engine" series. I've started on it, and I like what I have so far.
  • More E03 stuff. Guess that's what I didn't blog about in the past 11 days.
  • snarkyboojum++ and I have started toying with writing a time-travelling debugger. Yes, really.
  • A lot of things are happening in Rakudo-land this month, after the successful ng merge. colomon++ especially shines like a bright star right now, bringing lots of tests back online each day.
  • I'd like to get enums in Rakudo before this month's release. I've already done anon enums. Next up: named enums.
  • I've been starting to think seriously about u4x lately. Partly because of other people's questions, partly because it seems the the time is ripe to start it.
  • However, every time I have that thought I realize that the book is more important at the moment. I have some unimplemented ideas there as well.
  • GGE is very near being PGE-compliant. Just a few finishing touches are needed. This will likely usher in a new era in Perl 6 grammars and parsing.
Will I have time in the near future to expand these one-liners into full-fledged blog posts? Only time will tell.

You're too kind...

colomon on 2010-03-02T18:21:57

...and also make me feel guilty for working on series today instead of trying to bring more tests back on-line. :)

checking your ironman status

ggoebel on 2010-03-02T19:12:56

Should be documented somewhere shouldn't it?

Substituting the appropriate gender and (nickname or fullname)... this should work:

Re:checking your ironman status

masak on 2010-03-03T16:47:03

Oh! I actually knew about that resource. I was hoping there'd be something... more informative.

How many weeks of contiguous blogging have I done? What are the different thresholds between the different materials? When's the end of my ten-day period since the last time I blogged? How many times have I blogged in the past month? Those are the kind of questions I'd like to easily be able to read off some page somewhere.

your post subject...

rjbs on 2010-03-04T02:04:41

...keeps reminding me of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW2_3rvNUL8

I'm a snowplow (programmed not to know that I'm a snowplow).

Re:your post subject...

masak on 2010-03-04T14:48:37

Heh. :) I usually don't like that kind of music, but the video made it OK.

I hope I never end up in a nine-to-five job of that kind, feeling like an automaton.

The other possible take on the video, I guess, is that we're all automatons, and there's nothing really noteworthy about that.