It's not just that I like to try new things in Rakudo, lauding the devs when things work and making Nelson-from-Simpsons sounds when they don't.
It's not just that I like to build way too big applications using Rakudo, in which bugs occur with a rather constant rate, as long as the applications break new ground.
It's also that I like breaking things. As soon as you buy the fact that failure is necessary for eventual success, each new segmentation fault, each new Null PMC access, each new strange wtf-just-happened situation is a step forward for Rakudo. Hooray, we just discovered something really bad before our users did! That's great!
That's the reason. It's only an added bonus that there appears to be some kind of weird prestige in having submitted over 500 bug reports to
over the past year-and-a-half, and that it's fun to see pmichaud++'s and jnthn++'s reactions when I smash their stuff. 哈哈
But the bugs I enjoy finding the most are probably the corner cases that I find just by throwing crazy shit together. At one point, I thought of automating this process; creating some sort of Perl 6 code generator capable of spitting out insane combinations of feature use, and then feeding these snippets through Rakudo, sifting out the ones that crashed for manual inspection. (This was sometime late last year, when Rakudo felt horribly unstable, and you could basically crash it just by thinking of writing some code.)
Such a code generator might still be a good idea, but (surprise!) it's non-trivial to write. I might still get to writing one — my second design looks promising — but in the meantime, figuring out where untested corner cases might be by just thinking about it ain't that bad either.
The earliest such bug I remember is trying out diamond inheritence in Rakudo. You know, D inheriting from B and C, which both inherit from A? Except we use roles instead of classes.
<masak> I know. let's do diamonds!
<masak> rakudo: role A { method foo { say "OH HAI" } }; role B does A {}; role C does A {}; class D does B does A {};
<p6eval> rakudo 543e22: OUTPUTëA conflict occurred during role composition due to method 'foo'. [...]
<masak> this should work, shouldn't it?
<masak> a method shouldn't conflict with itself.
<jnthn> That's a bug.
* masak bugmits rakudosub
It's only now that I notice that I botched up the diamond. I never use role C for anything. Oh well.
Roles are tricky. What if one tries to use does
on a class and is
on a role? Boom.
<masak> rakudo: class A {}; role B is A {}; class C does B {}
<p6eval> rakudo 836c8c: OUTPUTëNull PMC access in get_string()in sub trait_mod:is [...]
<masak> mwhahaha.
* masak submits rakudobug
(You'll note how this kind of discovery is often followed by uncontrollable laughter on my part. I told you I like this.)
But the last one was especially rewarding. Yesterday, I overheard jnthn++ say this on the channel:
<jnthn> When a method is composed into a class, it gets associated with that class' methods table.
<jnthn> However, it's still in a lexical scoping relationship with the role.
And I immediately got to thinking, "hm, has anyone ever tried to reach a variable lexically scoped to a role, from a method called in a class doing that role?". Turns out that's a bug too:
<masak> rakudo: role A { my $foo = "OH HAI"; method bar() { say $foo } }; class B does A {};
<p6eval> rakudo 1ab069: OUTPUTëNull PMC access in type() [...]
<masak> haha!
* masak gleefully submits rakudobug
The past year has been the most dizzyingly educational year of my whole programming career, thanks to Perl 6 and Rakudo. And to think that I get to combine two of my favorite hobbies: learning about the nitty-gritty of programming languages/compilers/interpreters, and just plain breaking stuff.
In the early days of perl5, somebody wrote a markov chain random code generator and automatically looked for segfaults. It basically turned up one segfault in dozens of variations, and not much more.
But given that rakudo is easier to kill than perl 5, it might still be worth a try.