Here, a blog entry entirely without any verbs, with a summary about my experiences around NPW 2009. Yes, nounification of some verbs as a possible workaround — so, legal prosecution of yours truly as necessary.
- The amazing amount of procrastination of mine before a presentation such as the one in my queue this time. Not only with the slides but with the actual slide software.
- A feeling of relative satisfaction (or at least non-dissatisfaction) on the part of my audience during my presentation.
- Likewise, my admiration for the other speakers and their talks, as part of audience during same.
- A real enjoyment on my part of the Friday party; entirely in my taste.
- Many important meetings with people. Some of them for the first time.
- Overall excellent food. Oslo as a Nordic capital of consistently good food.
- A hackathon afterwards (two days for me, three for others) with massive amounts of activity, both code and social.
- All in all, unbounded satisfaction. More of this!
Any comments of yours also without verbs if possible. Thanks.
Laughter out loud
ChrisDolan on 2009-04-19T20:56:44
Hahaha. Audible chuckles of mine in the room.