It has been famously said that programs should be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute[1]. I find the value in that saying lies not in its inherent truth — when we finish a piece of code, we normally show it to a compiler/interpreter and not to a fellow human being; and the code is normally executed many more times inside these metal boxes where we keep our Turing machines than inside the wetware where we keep our minds — but in its inherent truthiness. The phrase rings true, it wants to tell us something. It wants to tell us that we can write software with a reader in mind. That we can write a story, one which is coherent and connects with the reader much like a novel does. Here's the protagonist; over here's the narrative thread; there's the bad guy, watch out for him.
At this point, the wise reader is nodding and probably thinking "oh yes, comments. I really should write more of those". But it's not about that, it's not about forcing yourself into a frame of mind where you have to document everything your program does. Rather, it's about setting the scene, guiding the reader through rough passages, and filling the lines of text with some higher sense of purpose. Whereas a reader of a novel might find overused expressions jarring, balk at the paucity or overabundance of dialogue, or ask herself "why was that character given so much attention, only to disappear halfway through the book?", a code reader can wonder about unused or badly named variables, comments which befuddle rather than enlighten, antipatterns, copypasted code, or code fossils.
Of course, there are many differences between a novel and a piece of source code, too. Some superficial, some more fundamental. One of the more fundamental differences is perhaps that when a novel reaches us, it's finished, whereas a piece of code can be anywhere between pre-alpha and thoroughly tested and bug-free[2]... but regardless, it's probably not finished. Books, in their current incarnation, get released in a stable state; code, as a rule, lives on in a state of flux. Which means that reading the source code, we can expect to find "TODO" comments, incomplete test coverage, thoughts written down by the programmer for later, inconsistent coding styles, unfortunate last-resort solutions, or simply bugs. Things we do not generally expect to find in a novel. And while on some level all these things are flaws, they must perhaps be accepted as inherent in most code out there. Code, in a very real sense, does not get finished.
There's also a kind of disturbing honesty to code. Sure, a novelist can voluntarily choose to linger at an unpleasant chapter, or outline some mundane process in minute detail... but a programmer must do this, must write the truth and the whole truth, because if something is missing, the program won't do what it's supposed to. At best, refactoring can be used to diminish the pain of code drudgery, but not always remove it altogether.
I read a lot of books, but I don't read a lot of code. I would like to change that; I want to be inspired by great works out there. I'm sure I'll find code all over the spectrum, from infra-write-only to ultra-literate. That's ok. There are lessons to be learned regardless.[3]
I would also like, if I may be so bold, to try to inspire the Perl 6 community to do the same. It's still young and small, this community, so maybe such an ambition can have visible impact. Here's what I have in mind: code reviews. A bit like book reviews, but adapted to the medium of source code. Recount what you felt and thought as a reader, what you think were the strong and weak points of the code, what you learned, what you would have done differently yourself.
That's what book reviewers do. But since we're in the fluent medium of code in flux, we can do better, and contribute to the project we just reviewed. Nothing complicated; a failing unit test or a simple refactor is about the appropriate scale. This, more than anything, says "I have read your code so thoroughly that I can contribute constructively to it." It's also the postmodern thing to do; becoming absorbed and part of the very process you are evaluating.
A community creates itself, often through semi-random processes. Perl 6 is a deliberate redesign of the community, and I deeply believe that as part of that redesign, we should create a habit of reviewing each other's code. Software as literature; programmers as authors. And I believe that when we start to think of ourselves as authors, and of our code as something that people will at some point read, we will start writing more purposeful code.[4]
Let's give it a try. I'll go first.
[1] Do you recognize where the quote is from? It's from this book, which you should probably read if you haven't already.
[2] Yeah, right.
[3] Scott Hanselman already does this. And likely lots of other enlightened people.
[4] This idea is by no means mine. Chapters 5 and 6 in Donald Knuth's Literate Programming do something very similar.
It's worth a read. Has chapters by various programmers 'of note' about stuff.
Well, about code. But it's like an exam essay where each coder has interpreted the question "what is beautiful code" in different ways.
Re:Book : Beautiful Code
masak on 2009-03-16T14:30:42
Aye, I've seen this book and been impressed by it. It's on my list of books to read, sooner or later.
I think it's important for the members of a community to take the time to read each other's code and be inspired by it. Code reviews seems a convenient way to formalize such a habit.
I think this is an excellent idea! I tried to do a little of it myself with some Setting code, but it was something like 25 lines, so nowhere near what you are doing, but hey; it's a start!
Re:Great idea!
masak on 2009-03-23T11:00:09
I'd really like to see you (or anyone) blog about some code in the Setting. That's a great idea.
Re:Great idea!
frew on 2009-03-23T14:37:02
Check it out
I'd like to do it again some time for sure. There is a lot of interesting code in the setting the deserves to be read. I looked a lot more at the nuts and bolts of the code instead of the overall structure like you did, but mostly because I still need to grok perl6.Re:Great idea!
masak on 2009-03-23T14:51:07
Thanks; a nice read.
As you say, it's not precisely what I mean by a review, but nevertheless definitely a good exercise to familiarize oneself with Perl 6. And who knows, maybe enough eyes on the Setting will turn up a logical bug or two before someone stumbles on it in the wild?
Maybe we could marry the equivalent of C6AN with something like this and bake code reviews into the culture right from the start…
Re:I wonder...
masak on 2009-05-25T14:34:42
We could, we definitely could.
It would be fun to tie together that idea (for side-by-side annotations), proto (for a list of all known Perl 6 projects), (for quickly prototyping the web application), and a central annotation server somewhere (feather would likely do).
This is how we'll do: if someone else doesn't beat me to it, I will give it a shot when I have the necessary tuits.