Week 1 of Web.pm -- Specifying a framework basics

masak on 2009-03-09T10:00:51

An Ceiling Cat sed to teh man, ov evury tre in teh gardin iz ok u eatz: But of teh tre of teh nawlej of gud an evl, you not eatz cuz wen u eatz taht tre i fur sure mek u ded. Srsly. — Genesis 2:16-17

Our grant task has commenced. Here's how our plan of attack looks for the coming weeks.

  • Specifying framework basics
  • Creating a minimal Web framework
  • Changing November to run on top of the framework
  • Setting up Maya to use the framework
  • Setting up a proof-of-concept pastebin
  • Implementing the features possible within the current limits of Rakudo
  • Condensing the above experience into a tutorial

I started just throwing loose thoughts into a PLAN file. It is not complete by any means, but it has got me thinking about specifying. (wayland++ for contributing.)

Also, I've been visiting channels with web framework people and had fruitful discussions. One of these went on the november-wiki list for everyone to read. My overall impression is that people are very helpful and eager to share their experiences. ("Don't make the mistakes we make," they say. "Make new ones.")

The third thing I've done is try to quench my curiosity of Sinatra by reading the source. Ruby code is very cute, and quite readable most of the time even for an outsider like me. I think one of the first things I'll get working in Web.pm is this script, also found in the PLAN file above. That script is a direct translation of the script found here. Eager to find out how that get call worked, I went and dug it out of the Sinatra source. Here it is:

      def get(path, opts={}, &block)
        conditions = @conditions.dup
        route('GET', path, opts, &block)

        @conditions = conditions
        route('HEAD', path, opts, &block)

In short, a call to another method called route is made, and an instance variable conditions is cloned and reinstated, probably because it was clobbered by the first call.

Ok, so how does route look? I thought you'd never ask:

    def route(verb, path, opts={}, &block)
      host_name  opts[:host]  if opts.key?(:host)
      user_agent opts[:agent] if opts.key?(:agent)
      accept_mime_types opts[:provides] if opts.key?(:provides)

      pattern, keys = compile(path)
      conditions, @conditions = @conditions, []

      define_method "#{verb} #{path}", &block
      unbound_method = instance_method("#{verb} #{path}")
      block = lambda { unbound_method.bind(self).call }

      (routes[verb] ||= []).
        push([pattern, keys, conditions, block]).last

A bit more code, but still not horribly much. What happens here? A few reasonable settings are made if they come in through opts. We compile the path (whatever that means), clobber conditions just as we thought we would (actually, we clear it), create a closure which calls a method on self, and then put it all into a routes hash (and also return it).

It all seems quite straightforward. The only question that remains in my mind is what compile does.

    def compile(path)
      keys = []
      if path.respond_to? :to_str
        pattern =
          URI.encode(path).gsub(/((:\w+)|\*)/) do |match|
            if match == "*"
              keys << 'splat'
              keys << $2[1..-1]
        [/^#{pattern}$/, keys]
      elsif path.respond_to? :=~
        [path, keys]
        raise TypeError, path

This method concerns itself with stringlike things and matchlike things. If what it finds conforms to its expectations, it returns a regex and an array of keys. If I'm reading this correctly, the simple string 'hi' in path would enter the else leg of the innermost if statement, and 'hi' would end up as the single element in keys.

Hm, I'm one step closer to understanding this. It's basically a dispatcher. I'll talk more to Ilya about it; he's written November's dispatcher, and plans to do the one in Web.pm.

One final thing this week: the naming issue. The grant committee expressed slight doubts about the name Web.pm, so I wrote this and had this discussion on #perl6. After thinking a lot about this, I think we should keep the "Web.pm" name for the whole thing, but strive to name every component inside (dispatcher, tags library, templating engine, MVC framework, etc) to show that we really only provide these as reasonable defaults.

That ties in with our overall goal to make the Web.pm bundle a set of very reasonable defaults for web development. But most modules can be used outside the context of Web.pm as well, and conversely, modules in Web.pm can be replaced with other modules, and will work just as well as long as they adhere to some API. That's the idea anyway.

I wish to thank The Perl Foundation for sponsoring the Web.pm effort. We're very excited about this.

The Name

Ovid on 2009-03-09T10:21:12

I think the project is great, but I don't care for the name Web.pm. It seems too all-encompassing, but at the end of the name, it's probably not that big of a deal. On the other hand, you can check synonyms from thesaurus.com:

cobweb, complexity, entanglement, fabric, fiber, filigree, gossamer, interconnection, interlacing, involvement, labyrinth, lacework, lattice, mat, matting, maze, mesh, meshwork, morass, net, network, plait, reticulation, screen, skein, snarl, tangle, texture, tissue, toil, trellis, warp, weave, webbing, weft, wicker, woof

I kind of like Lattice.pm or Trellis.pm, though Gossamer.pm sounds nice, too :)

Re:The Name

masak on 2009-03-09T10:34:30

Thank you for your suggestions. Some people don't care for the name Web.pm, some do, it seems. It might or might not be a good idea to discuss the merits of the name in the comments of this blog post. :)

I'll end here before I start to give reasons for liking Web.pm. I already did that in links from the post.

Hurray for Defaults!

frew on 2009-03-10T17:08:24

I just wanted to nod in agreement to the reasonable defaults stuff. I think that Rails, despite being inflexible compared to Catalyst or CGIApp has all those defaults that are great for beginners, so they can just get stuff done. At my job we are doing web apps and most of my design time is spent trying to abstract things so that we have defaults that work well.