November 10, 2008 -- sleep deprivation, I presume?

masak on 2008-11-10T17:06:51

137 years ago today, Henry Morton Stanley, who had been sent to find Dr David Livingstone by the New York Herald newspaper two years earlier, found him in the town of Ujiji on the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Wikiquote notes this about the encounter, in which Stanley uttered the now famous "Dr Livingstone, I presume?":

There were no other white men known to be in the vicinity. As the two had not been formally introduced, it was a proper way to address Livingstone without committing a breach of etiquette.

This is yet another day when Real World tasks get the better of me. It's a temporary situation, but right now studies take all my time. I'd feel worse about it if the subject (Chinese security politics) wasn't so interesting. :) No, really, it is.

Also, having finally reset my sleeping to make it occur at night, I'm in great need of a bit of buffering sleep.

Anyway, this keyboard curfew gives me a lot of ideas, and hopefully makes me more focused on improvements. I'll be back tomorrow with the regularly scheduled revolutionary Perl 6 programming.