2006 in review

marnanel on 2007-01-01T21:37:22

What people suggested for resolutions last year; I didn't do any of them except "find a church" (actually, I found two).

In January 2006, went to see A+J; got discouraged writing translation code; went to the philly-poly pubmeet; spirit butter; got taught to knit by a random traveller on the train; I didn't get glaucoma; helped redecorate at ArtSphere; held a "teach-in" about Unix at the Wooden Shoe; was attempting to write a 6502 emulator in Perl; first visited St Gabriel's; two obvious depressive episodes.

In February 2006, I attempted to fix my first GnomeLove bug, but failed; tried to fix my second, and succeeded; fixed many other bugs over the course of the month; it snowed a lot; made pancakes; got ashy.

In March 2006, I was given GNOME CVS access; I measured out my life with kitten toes; had a review at work which was rather positive; went to the Rodin museum.

In April 2006, we went to visit Sarah in Cleveland; I figured out a really spiffy perl test system at work; for night can only hide, and not destroy; I switched to Ubuntu from Debian; Sharon got a job in Philly so I didn't need to catch the bus any more; the free tax filing project was announced (things have changed a bit since then, though); someone made a fan site for the adventure game I coded in 1995.

In May 2006, I was interviewed by a Welsh TV company and I confirmed that my spoken Welsh is indeed rather bad because of the lack of conversation partners here; I visited St Mark's for the first time; I switched to gmail; I made a gtk BBC Micro emulator up to the point where it booted and then dropped the project for something more urgent.

In June 2006, I was added to Planet GNOME, and so I started making day posts generally public; we went on an interfaith walk (which was my first pgo post); we went to the beach, where it was cloudy, and played pool; it was first seriously suggested by a psychologist that I might have Asperger syndrome; I was interviewed for another position in my company, and we both decided I would be much better doing what I was currently doing anyway; Rio learned some C; her goldfish died; I discovered my highest priority; will programming exist on high with Thee?

In August 2006, Sarah came over and we all went to the naked beach; I tried to write an englyn (I know now it should be aaaa); after several visits with different psychologists I was finally diagnosed with (mild) AS; my youngest sister got back in contact.

In September 2006, I started an englyn (Does dim bara o dan y tir – mae dŵr / a cherrig ac aur gwir...) which I haven't yet finished; Fin went to visit Sarah; I took over maintaining fast-user-switch-applet; we completely rethought translation at work and I became much more confident about looking after it; I started UVB treatment for psoriasis.

In October 2006, Rio was baptised; metacity-theme-2 was released; blueskywonder visited; I became infected with MRSA; pinkstuff crashed; Rio was a fantastic bluebird in the Halloween parade; I put up the first coloured lights at work (which has now escalated to something looking like Blackpool in the autumn).

In November 2006, I made a Welsh spellcheck for Firefox; I visited Sarah; a squirrel visited us; I was admitted to the GNOME foundation; we let off fireworks for Bonfire Night; I volunteered as a nonpartisan election observer; we went to the art museum; I was mistaken for a priest.

In December 2006, it was mostly quiet, since I was working very hard on getting the tax thing released. But Sarah came to visit us; krasota and explodingcat visited; A+J came and we climbed Hawk Mountain.