Welsh Perl modules that I would like to exist include
- one to turn the vaguely-standard ASCII markup into UTF-8 ("dw+r" to "dŵr", etc)
- the same module, to turn it back again
- one to help you work with the CEG (a free million-word corpus)
- one to mutate any given word using a given mutation
- the same module, to take a number and a word and give you the correct mutated form ("1 cân", "2 gân", "6 chân", "100 o cannoedd")
- later: the same module, to give you a list of possible radicals for a possibly mutated word, and possibly check whether they exist in a dictionary (see below)
- one to pluralise common words (would need an enormous attached dictionary, but creating this from the CEG would be no great deal)
- later: the same module, to look up parts of speech and so on in a dictionary
I think, given
all the work that's going into translating KDE and Gnome, some Welsh-specific Perl tools would be really useful. I'd like to write all of them myself (it would be a great way to use some of those computational linguistics classes I took in college) but I worry that people will just say "oh! you're not a fluent speaker, you shouldn't be getting involved with such things". Maybe I should find someone who speaks both Welsh and Perl well to sanity-check them for me.