Increasing the visibility of journals in search engines

markjugg on 2007-08-11T15:14:36 journals currently have very unfortunate <title> tags. Every journal entry I create has an <title> like

"journal of markjugg (123)".

It should really be something like:

"Witty Journal Title | markjugg's use.perl blog"

The current state of things reduces search engine rankings by not having the key words from the title in the tag, and produces pitiful entries in search engine results when you do find them, as seen <a href="">here</a>:<br/><br/>Even though the results are for specific journal entries, you just see:<br/><br/>Journal of sam (123) Journal of mark (456) Journal of foo (765)<br/><br/> Ugh. I've <a href="">submitted a bug to Slashcode</a>, if anyone is able to fix this. </p> <hr/> <h2>Hear, hear!</h2> <h3><a href="/user/Skud/">Skud</a> on 2007-08-14T02:10:20</h3> Couldn't agree more. I had a post to the same effect recently, but it got eaten/lost somehow. </div> <!-- /span8 --> </div> <!-- row --> </div> <!-- /container --> <!-- Le javascript ================================================== --> <!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster --> </body> </html>