There's been more CGI::App plugins released on CPAN I can keep up with. I count 37 plugin distributions now. I added a few more to our plugins page on the wiki, but the list is still not complete.
One interesting recent upload is Michael Peter's AJAXification of . It was a already a useful template-independent interface to the Swish-E search engine. Now it can provide even faster and slicker results for Ajax-capable browsers.
I just released JavaScript::DataFormValidator, which helps you to use your DFV profile (in Perl) to also provide client-side JavaScript validation for your forms. This makes use of the JSAN project, which already ported Test::More and Data::FormValidator to JavaScript, among other projects.
I've also put up a proposal for an improved URL dispatching system for CGI::App. We've already been enjoying some of this functionality built-in, and more provided through CGI::Application::Dispatch. I'd like us to go to the next level.
Thanks to all the CGI::App community members who keep producing code and feedback to keep up the momentum!