You can now automatically execute methods of a Joose.Class in a different thread using Google Gears. All you need to do is use the meta class Joose.Gears and add a worker method. All the Gears-Interfacing is handled for you. If Gears is not present, the worker is executed in the main thread. The workers result will be sent to a method called "on".ucfirst($worker_name) if available:
Class("HardWork", { meta: Joose.Gears, has: { data: {is: rw, init: {}} }, methods: { onDoWork: function (result) { ok(result == 1001, "Gear Worker returns correct result") } }, workers: { doWork: function (start) { var counter = start; for(var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { counter++ } return counter } } })
var hw = new HardWork();