yapceu07 summary

maks on 2007-08-31T12:29:33

best talks: Damian Conway was very often cited with the input of physical theories to Perl code. It's a huge fun to watch how quickly geeks can fill a fleet of buses. It seems most still lean towards Perl 5 as the process was quite stack based with a _very_ full head and an almost empty tail. :) The Weingut Schilling owners have a good variety of white wines. They run soon out of beer and proposed instead Schnaps.

The third day finished with the traditional auction. For non-native speakers it took some time to see what was going on. domm invited for a very nice after conf party.

Anyway thanks to all visitors for coming. You made this Yapc lively. I'm very proud reading statements on irc "it was the greatest ever :>".