OSCON Day -1

mako132 on 2002-07-21T22:42:57

Today, a litle light exercise, some fettucine at lunch. Now watching The Waterboy while my wife hits the grocery store to get some non-perishables for OSCON. The only way the OSCON meal badges are worth it is if my family eats every single meal at convention. Think about that - is that likely? I say - Let's just pay for what we need. $10 bucks a person for breakfast, maybe $15 for lunch, and $25 for adults for dinner ($15 for kids).

Instead I'll probably eat less meals with my fellow OSCON-ers, rather than have my family eat alone. I doubt that was O'Reilly's intention. :-(

Eating on the Cheap at TPC

Elian on 2002-07-21T23:23:21

There's a nice little deli/snack shack at the marina, between the two towers of the conference hotel. I ate there more than once last year, even with the food service provided. It's cheap, reasonably good and, if you time it right, fast. (While the line moves fast, there's a limit to how soon you can eat when there are 40 people ahead of you...)

Less than $10/meal, with drinks and chips. Assuming, of course, that you don't mind grinders/heroes/hoagies/sandwitches.

Re:Eating on the Cheap at TPC

mako132 on 2002-07-24T18:51:08

Right. I ate there last year. I forgot about that.

What's this "Whole Foods" thing on the shuttle schedule? Grocery store?

Good to see the breakfast buffet is only $8 for kids at the East Tower restaurant.