
mako132 on 2002-07-10T20:13:36

Tweaked my Achilles tendon stumbling out of the shower and again some more playing bball during lunch. Doesn't help to then sit for hours coding. I need someone to rub my ankles as I program.

Checked out Test::Simple, tooled around TPJ and Perl Monks looking for examples on how to write test scripts. Read Ovid's journal.

Test scripts

petdance on 2002-07-10T20:56:09

First, start with Schwern's excellent Test::Tutorial.

Then, find other modules that do testing, especially extensive testing, and steal liberally. MARC::Record, for one, has a fair number of tests although they're hardly complete.

Re:Test scripts

mako132 on 2002-07-11T19:28:20

Yep, read it today. I couldn't find it via http://perldoc.com, but found it via an the latest article on Perl.com. Apparently it's inside of Test::Simple (as your URL notes too).

Another resource

lachoy on 2002-07-11T03:01:50

Check out chromatic's well written article on testing as well.