Skyward, Ho!!!

mako132 on 2002-07-08T20:17:06

The remarkable thing about the Web is that you soon discover that just about everything you've thought about has been thought by someone else too. Certainly when it comes to pr0n :)

However, I was just sitting here thinking (jeeze I really should be coding now ...) about the mouse I caught in the glue trap at home last night. There has to be a humane way of getting rid of the mice at home. Sure I could by a nice humane trap, but how would I get rid of the mice? If I let them go outside, what's to stop them from scurrying back into my house? What do I do? Do I sneek around in the middle of the night and let them loose down the street? Then it dawned on me - I need a mouse catapult! That way I could launch the mice from my backyard into a neighbor's yard a few houses a way. Along as I made sure not to aim it at the side of a house (*splat*), I'd be golden.

And guess what, I'm not the first to think of this. Really, all that's lacking is a way to snap on a live trap and open the trap just at the right time to let the mouse fly away.