
mako132 on 2002-06-18T16:20:10

Skunk: found the secret DPW number...it's on its way to a dump near you!

Perl: Time to write a daemon. Net::Server, NetServer::Generic, Net::Daemon? Mucho discussion in Matts journal

use Perl: don't bother searching for "Net::Server", you'll just pull up every page that has "server" in it ("Net" is under 4 char and "::" gets dropped).

Network Daemons

Matts on 2002-06-18T16:45:13

If you need to write a network daemon, use POE. If it absolutely *must* fork (i.e. non-blocking I/O with select() or poll() isn't enough for you) then you should write your own.

Re:Network Daemons

mako132 on 2002-06-18T17:43:38

Yeah, my thinking was that I'd bang something out with Net::Server (I haven't decided on all the features yet) and then start over with POE.

The trouble with POE is that the docs are heavy with CS terminology...this will be my first real network daemon.