Variety is the Spice of Life

mako132 on 2004-03-03T22:17:04

1) Another video encoder is transfering files slowly on both its 100Mb and 1Gb interface

2) Someone's ssh connection freezes after a while

3) A Win2K install is failing to copy a DLL

4) Where's my new Clie? Fedex tracking shows that it left Rialto CA 4 days ago...

5) CGI::Kwiki's kwiki-install --upgrade and now KwikiBackup won't work

6) We're getting joe-job spam from central administration. Of course the warnings about it (which have the message copied inside) and discussions on how to handle it are ending up inside my junk mail box.

7) Video encoder runs out of disk. Finger pointing between the sys administration and the application programmers - who's responsible for checking?

8) Finally the virus updating is working on the servers, but desktop users need to initiate an upgrade

9) Do we buy Red Hat Academic support or move to Fedora?

10) Create /etc/init.d script for a Perl daemon

11) Kernel param change for said daemon

12) Negotiating an 11th hour accounts and permission change request for an Oracle course

13) Examining past year's RT tickets to see where we can add more tests