Yesterday's Perl 6 Meeting Notes

luqui on 2006-01-26T09:28:10

Patrick: - customer project deadlines keep jumping and scopes keep creeping - the deadline is next Wednesday - I should be done then - did send Allison an e-mail about the operator precedence parser

Jesse: - you'll go into the Perl 6 parser then?

Patrick: - yes - maybe adding some features to PGE driven by parser demands

Larry: - also have a work deadline - but sneaked in a synopsis change from "till" to "ff" - threw some conjectural stuff in S12 to bless ^ as a shorthand for .meta

Luke: - I think it's important to keep the difference between a type and a package concrete - I thought ^ was for types - I'll see what I make of your changes and *then* whine

Jesse: - P5 to P5 is still about 95%?

Larry: - haven't done anything on that in the last week

Luke: - enjoying my processor arch class - might dive into Parrot to apply some of my knowledge in a while - otherwise working on an algorithm and paper to dispatch pure multimethods as fast as possible - can also incorporate compile-time information if it's available - getting those two things at once is pretty hard - the algorithm is still in progress - I can build a decision tree that dispatches to the right multi-method provably with as few checks as possible - you can rule out some candidates based on compile-time information - you can use a bit of the theory that falls out of that to do type inference - that's probably a couple of weeks away - it might be worth a senior thesis

Allison: - Punie almost does simple if statements - meeting with Chip in a bit - I'll work on operators next - it looks like Patrick's solution might fix my problem - have about five or six people reviewing AL 2.0 - don't know if I'll get any comments - have one more week on it

Jesse: - I asked to have that list created - I haven't seen anything yet - Chip answered some of Leo's questions on Monday

Luke: - thinking about overriding stuff in classes - attributes that have a constant value through the lifetime of an object are different beasts from attributes that can change - I'm searching for a way to make that distinction without imposing horrible cognitive or finger blocks on people

Larry: - like our readonly versus contant distinction? - on ordinary variables - bound in a constant way - but not a constant - different iterations of this function may have a different value - can't optimize it away in that sense

Luke: - the fact that attributes aren't read-only inside of an object causes problems with inheritance - that distinction may be nice to have if it works cognitively

c: - is that an implementation detail not exposable?

Luke: - more about the intent of its use rather than its actual use