Today's Perl 6 Meeting Notes

luqui on 2005-09-29T00:06:47

Larry: - I took Geneva to school last week - since then, I've been playing with a new IBM ThinkPad I received as a gift

Patrick: - in addition to dual-booting, have you considered running VMWare? - maybe I can get you a copy

Larry: - I haven't used it since it became more corporate

Patrick: - I use it quite a bit on my systems - being able to copy and restore VMs is quite nice

Larry: - thinking about everything people talked about on p6l in my absence - have expressed opinions about some of them

Luke: - your points about Yuval's type inference is quite valid - I can't understand the stupid error messages

Larry: - "Something's wrong at line 42" - about that useful - also thinking about tree transformations and two-way transformations - seems to be one of Autrijus' pet ideas: two-way transformation - currently, if you use tree transformations to do macros, he wants to turn that back into unmacroized whatever - you could write hygienic source filters that way, as it were - notion of unifying warnings with exceptions - ... where a warning is a guaranteed restartable exception printable by the outermost layer by default - seems workable

Patrick: - I like that

Damian: - I like that

Luke: - you've just pulled continuations out into user space - you promised you wouldn't do that

Larry: - not overtly - do it by running CATCH closures up the stack and keeping the stack and committing to running back when you catch something

Luke: - that's a continuation

Larry: - we could hide that with .resume or something

Damian: - it ought to be a separate kind of named block - maybe should be able to catch it in CATCH or something - probably cleaner with a WARN block

Larry: - possible that they're a type of control

Damian: - a lot of people will want to catch warnings - it'd be easier to capture it in a name that self-documents

Larry: - the name of the warning may be self-documenting anyway

Luke: - Piers has always wanted interactive editing - if an exception comes up to the top level, it can say "Something's wrong; fix it and I'll keep running!"

Larry: - that's part of what I was thinking

Jesse: - did you have a good vacation, Damian?

Damian: - I wish it were a vacation - tore maybe half of the muscles in my back - had a fair bit of physiotherapy over the past couple of weeks - not good for sitting *or* lying down and doing stuff - also had a hard disk crash on my primary laptop - fortunately had backups, but they don't always back everything up properly - been interesting times, especially being two weeks away from leaving for EuroOSCON - I have been creating annoyances on p6l, as you've seen - very nice to have Larry back stopping some of the madness - very little progress to report elsewhere

Jesse: - Patrick brought up something in the implementor's meeting - S05 is out of date

Damian: - it's waiting on me to put in stuff about capture variables

Jesse: - are you the right person to be doing it, or should it go to someone else?

Damian: - yes to both - I have a completed version nearly done - it's just slipped - I'll get onto it in the next day or two

Patrick: - have done more reading, but not much implementation - housing people for the past week or so - Leo and Chip and the Parrot folks have merged the branches - makes my life much easier - very happy about that! - can move forward on PGE again

Luke: - had a hard drive failure, like Damian - if you have a RAID, replace a failed hard drive - I didn't replace one hard drive after it failed a month and a half ago - then another failed - it didn't do much for me

Patrick: - it gave you an extra month of uptime

Jesse: - also Autrijus recommends that you make sure that your RAID controller does not format *all* of your disks when you add one - anything new? - mostly hacking tree transforms?

Luke: - wrote a new module, Language::AttributeGrammar - implements attribute grammars - it was easy to write - does everything UUAG does (reference implementation) - trying to make it work nicely with PPI and Parse::RecDescent - presumably usable to implement something real - pretty much finished theory theory - it's in the Pugs repository - some lambdacamels have reviewed it positively

c: - how difficult is it to port L::AG to PIR?

Patrick: - I was thinking that too

Luke: - hm, somewhat difficult without a Perl 5 preprocessor - lots of lazy evaluation and nested closures - also thinking about use fatal a bit - my first fatal would be semi-fatal - things return undef if they fail, but if I ignore that undef things fail

Damian: - it returns undef but... ?

Luke: - if I ignore that, it causes my stuff to fail - behaving like an exception

Larry: - fatal in void context, basically

Luke: - a fatal undef in void context makes it fail

Damian: - that turns out not to be useful; PBP talks about that - fatal in p5 has a :void mode - it's not that useful - you want it to be fatal in non-boolean context

Luke: - you'd get a fail back in void context - you assign to a variable and that's in void context

Damian: - that's not how context works

Luke: - there's void context for the assignment expression - that's the semicolon - I should write this up

Damian: - return failures in a non-boolean context should raise the exception

Luke: - does // give that context?

Damian: - maybe it's not the only context - things like assignment must be not considered void - write it up and we'll talk about it

Luke: - also thinking about junctions - not coming up with any happy medium - I'll keep it on the list - have a meeting with a professor here - he's done significant research in attribute grammars

Allison: - grab papers if you can - they're very valuable - they're rarer than hen's teeth - my biggest idea has been writing a weblog about "This is why we really need Parrot" - I've been doing a lot of reading about CLR and Mono and things like that - at, I think I managed to kidnap a former CLR developer whose NDA will expire shortly - Autrijus desperately wants me to check in the compiler tools notes as they are - I want to make a few changes, but I want to do that in the next few days

Jesse: - Chip was at the implementors meeting - he's settled, working, and his internal clock has reset - we talked about PDDs and how to move faster there - he'll start by reviewing their organization - then post the index of what he's writing in his head - then he'll sketch out each document and get some movement on them there - lots of discussion of necessary work to merge Leo's branch - the merge has happened - I've been getting questions about contributor agreements

Allison: - there's a new update - the final thing is review of the patent clause - especially in relation to the clause we put in the license - we can't take either in isolation

Jesse: - what do we need to get the review?

Allison: - Roberta says we'll have a revision in mid-to-late October

Jesse: - okay - that's it for me at the moment - who'll be on the Perl Whirl?

Allison: - Larry and I

Patrick: - I won't be here either

Jesse: - let's postpone it until next week - there will be no call on the 5th, but one on the 12th