The definitive Guide to Catalyst

lilstevey on 2009-10-16T09:07:21

After playing with catalyst for a little while, it has interested/excited me sufficiently to make a time/finance trade and invest in a book rather than relying on the power of the internet for guidence.

I've been "out of perl" for a few years now, and there appears to be two books aimed at catalyst out there now. After a little googling and swotting up on amazon, I stumbled across a review of "the definitive guide to catalyst" from the illustrious Dave Cross ( To stress - Dave reviewed the book - as far as I'm aware he didn't write it )

I've now owned this book for a whole 24 hours, so thought it worth sharing my first thoughts - I am very impressed. One of the features Dave mentioned was the books coverage/use of "Modern (or Enlightened) Perl" - I think its fair to say that all platforms have moved forward recently - I can't imagine people coding in java, for example, using the same techniques as was prevalent 10 years ago, so I was keen to see what has gone on in the perl world.

Little parts of the book - such as the page on minicpan are a godsend for me, the explanation of moose looks interesting, and whilst I haven't begun to digest the huge wealth of information contained within this tome, the style and depth of what I have gleamed thus far gives me a great deal of faith in my investment. If I had to choose a single feature about the book that appeals thus far, its that the authors appear to have managed to cover a massive subject area in a concise, well written manner that doesn't treat the reader as a fool or simpleton. Good levelling chaps!

I'll try to make some more notes after a couple of weeks or so when I've had the opportunity to study this work further.


sjn on 2009-10-18T14:40:55

Please write a review of the book when you're done! ;-)